Treherbert on the Web's Forum

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Treherbert on the Web's Forum
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Isn't it amazing how some Members of Parliament abuse their positions? It seems to be endemic in British society; the only crime is being caught out - not actually doing it.

It's even worse when the rules on expenses are decided upon by those who abuse them. Isn't there something wrong with public servants on the make? Isn't there something wrong with rules that allow them to be 'forgetful'? - until their behaviour is about to be published that is.

I'm waiting for " There are lessons to be learned. " comments from MP'S WHO SEEM TO THINK THAT A GRAVY TRAIN MENTALITY IS ALL RIGHT BECAUSE THEY FEEL THEY ARE WORTH IT.

Re: Corruption

Get in the fraud-squad at all levels, from Prime minister to local councillors and jail em all !!!!! Bring back ROBIN HOOD.

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