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Re: Plaid Cymru

I've always seen the Euro as a jokey election, one to sh!t up the established parties and even though I'm still in 2 minds about our position in the EU, I'm voting UKIP as a big FU, especially now Leanne Wood has said it makes me not Welsh. How is the dumb valley bimbo, leader of the nationalist party but can't speak the lingo is beyond me, Plaid are simply unelectable.

Why would anyone in Wales vote for a right wing English Nationalist party?

some people see Wales being part of the UK. In fact I'd go further than saying some, I'd say the majority of Welshmen do. After all, we are the original Britons.

Re: Plaid Cymru

Jantra, that's exactly the point. Labour played a blinder by convincing people that it was the Conservatives who closed all the mines. They need to realise that Labour is a wolf in sheep's clothing. The Valleys are nothing more than voting fodder for Labour.

Re: Plaid Cymru

I've always seen the Euro as a jokey election, one to sh!t up the established parties and even though I'm still in 2 minds about our position in the EU, I'm voting UKIP as a big FU, especially now Leanne Wood has said it makes me not Welsh. How is the dumb valley bimbo, leader of the nationalist party but can't speak the lingo is beyond me, Plaid are simply unelectable.

Why would anyone in Wales vote for a right wing English Nationalist party?

Simply because they are far more electable than the Insular Language-Fascist ap Caravan-Vandals will ever be

I'm Welsh and British, this is the Euro elections so is time to chuck a couple grenades out there. I'm not voting Labour as they inhibit Wales, why not give Farage more ammo to go to town with. The guy maybe a nutter and I don't necessarily agree with a lot of his policies but he is at least giving life to a debate we should really be having about Britain's place in Europe.

Re: Plaid Cymru


Simply because they are far more electable than the Insular Language-Fascist ap Caravan-Vandals will ever be

That statement says far more about your own bigotry and prejudices than it does the people that vote Plaid.

An insular bunch of xenophobic, small minded, little englanders is obviously the right party for you.

Re: Plaid Cymru

Are you calling me a bigot for opposing the neanderthal attitudes of many plaidcymru supporters whose pathetic Anglophobia pervades their own rationality?

This stretches from the migration (our Anglo friends make up a quarter of our population) to the decline of the Welsh language, supposedly at the fault of Anglo migration, yet money is still being thrown down the pan the language, propping it up and forcing it upon the Anglophone majority where it could be better spent on keeping A&E's open. Darwinism and all, it should stand on it's own feet.

You'll be calling me not Welsh next, the next standard tactic in the book.

Re: Plaid Cymru


... why not give Farage more ammo to go to town with.

Because IMO he's an articulate agitator (and therefore quite dangerous to our national interests) who knows how to pull the wool over the eyes of an ill-informed and disinterested electorate with populist rhetoric.

To be honest, I'm so sick of the level of schoolyard debate about the EU in the UK that I'm half minded to hope that (cometh a potential referendum)the electorate vote to leave the EU.

They can bask in their innate superiority complex should their decision prove economically successful, or alternatively, they can reap the failed harvest if the policy of splendid isolation proves misplaced.

Re: Plaid Cymru

The only saving grace imho is that the EU elections aren't taken so seriously in the UK so that the likes of UKIP may do well but they will never really do anything in the UK elections. it does worry me that some people in the UK think we will be better off out of Europe. Freedom of movement of people and goods is a big bonus. We really should be looking to enter Schengen as well as adopting the Euro.

If any euro sceptic's can tell me what laws the EU have implemented that actually override UK law? When asked about repatriation of powers, I can never get anything sensible out of the euro sceptics.

not only that, we live in an age where we can talk to people on the continent over the internet free of charge, we can communicate and interact with these people freely. Why would you want to put a barrier in place?

Farage has also recently stated that most of his new supporters are from the centre left Libdems and the centre right Labour party

Re: Plaid Cymru

That's why a debate on our position in Europe is a must in the next couple of years. We either go 'all in' with the Europe project, adopt the Euro and take a lead alongside the French and Germans or we retreat to isolation and see what we can do with free reign. The position we have at the moment isn't helping anyone really, our dithering is annoying our European allies and it won't be long until they chuck us that ultimatum.

If voting for Farage gets this debate on the table then so be it.

I'm of the view too that the EFTA states either sign up or do without as well. Iceland has began making overtures, time for the Norwegians and the Swiss sort themselves out too, although I suspect Switzerland maybe heading in the opposite direction with the recent immigration quotas vote.

Re: Plaid Cymru

The only saving grace imho is that the EU elections aren't taken so seriously in the UK so that the likes of UKIP may do well but they will never really do anything in the UK elections. it does worry me that some people in the UK think we will be better off out of Europe. Freedom of movement of people and goods is a big bonus. We really should be looking to enter Schengen as well as adopting the Euro.

If any euro sceptic's can tell me what laws the EU have implemented that actually override UK law? When asked about repatriation of powers, I can never get anything sensible out of the euro sceptics.

not only that, we live in an age where we can talk to people on the continent over the internet free of charge, we can communicate and interact with these people freely. Why would you want to put a barrier in place?

Farage has also recently stated that most of his new supporters are from the centre left Libdems and the centre right Labour party

Then Farage is telling porkies, because all the YouGov surveys make it clear that UKIP gains the majority of its support from disaffected Conservative supporters, and centre and far right leaning voters (as well as voters with generally a lower level of education, which is sort of tautological)

Re: Plaid Cymru

That's why a debate on our position in Europe is a must in the next couple of years. We either go 'all in' with the Europe project, adopt the Euro and take a lead alongside the French and Germans or we retreat to isolation and see what we can do with free reign. The position we have at the moment isn't helping anyone really, our dithering is annoying our European allies and it won't be long until they chuck us that ultimatum.

If voting for Farage gets this debate on the table then so be it.

I'm of the view too that the EFTA states either sign up or do without as well. Iceland has began making overtures, time for the Norwegians and the Swiss sort themselves out too, although I suspect Switzerland maybe heading in the opposite direction with the recent immigration quotas vote.

That's a bit like voting for the BNP because we'll then be able to have an immigration debate (you know, that "taboo subject" immigration, that comes up every bloody week on BBC Question Time!).

Support for Farage has undoubtedly shaped the Conservatives' policies into a very Euro-hostile mode, whereby playing to the Euro-sceptic gallery, to keep them on-board, takes the place of pragmatism.

Besides, when Labour was elected in 1997, we were told that this was it. The UK would become a very much more European country, with less sceptism. It didn't happen, and it would appear that we're are doomed to remain as the "in/out?" country, the bunch of little Englanders that we are(!)

Re: Plaid Cymru

An update on Plaid Cymru moonbattery :

I think I saw figures that showed Wales compares favourabely to the other parts of the UK when it comes to exporting to the USA so clearly we would benefit from any deal.

In this piece Jill Evans refers to border taxes and regulations as "so-called "barriers" to trade" that sums up many members of the political class in Wales not a clue about the world of business not a clue about wealth creation to pay for their beloved public services.