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Good post

You make some good points in regards to gaining entry back into the NSL. Getting club legends to promote the club is not a bad idea at all with it showing that ex players still have a love of the club.

I think in order for the club to gain NSL entry a few things must be done. Money must be raised to a substantial level and a incoming income must be present and guaranteed for years to come. Too many NSL sides have folded in past season due to money troubles and it is important for Heidelberg not to go down this road AGAIN.

Supporters must get passionate about this once thriving club and start flocking to the ground as they once did. Unfortunately they have disapeered of late but being the "Richmond" in Australian soccer the club has the ability to attract a huge following if the club does well.

The club must be marketable - with the strip being attractive - with supporters of ANY nationality made welcome to this club. In the northern suburbs there are many players and many supporters of soccer - although they are clubless as far as a team to support. These are the type of fans that Heidelberg should be reaching out to attract. The northern suburbs is a huge market for anybody willing to capatalise. Promotions at schools where primary school kids are given season passes should be given out - this in turn would mean that the kid will be accompanied by an adult who in turn brings money to the club - gate prices food for himself and the kid etc etc.

All in all the club has a big task to enter the NSL but it is not impossible - soccer is a funny sport - who knows what the future will bring?

Re: How do YOU get back to the NSL....

correction on email address re: above correct email address.