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dynamo wiring diagram

Another of Herberts ailments is the dynamo has been rewound and the correct control box located but now we need a wiring diagram....

The switch panel does not have a light but the two holes for plugging in a 6 volt kettle.....

Any help gratefully received!!



Location: Hull

Re: dynamo wiring diagram

Does this help you Pete?

Re: dynamo wiring diagram

This drawing is from the Cornwall Austin Seven Club Charging Refresher- this otherwise excellent explanation has a an error in the description of the Lucas SM3 switch panel in conjunction with the CAV DFL dynamo - there is no summer half charge setting with wiring in the panel, the switch simply connects the D and F terminals.

The charge control consists of switching the dynamo off and on (or as I do - run with the parking lights on in summer to avoid overcharging)

As explained the half charge setting came with the later CAV/Lucas DEL dynamo and Lucas SM5 switch panel.


Location: Malvern, Victoria, Australia.

Re: dynamo wiring diagram

Hi Pete

I trust you are aware that major supplier provides downloadable Parts and Owners books, the latter include Wiring Diagrams of a sort

Tony has drawn attention to the Cornwall site error previously. A flaw in the best article available about the charging systems. I am also uncertain about the depicted internal wiring of the DEL. These points are reasonably obvious to those very familiar with Sevens but many newcomers very clearly are not. I know nothing about websites but if footnotes could be added to this and other sites, including original Austin reprints, it may avoid a lot of confusion. With such a volume of info available, I supect many may pass over the Charging Refresher site because the title suggests bench recharging procedures. The Five Seven Dynamo Charging Circuits or somesuch might ensure better use of the excellent article.

Location: Auckland, NZ

Re: dynamo wiring diagram

Hi Pete,

I have located my handbook - here is the relevant page (and close up) from it, hope it may be of help to you as well:

 photo 91826C73-51E3-4A29-BFD6-6BB629D699D7_zpsiip9mtuk.jpg

 photo 5520DC68-19A4-4F24-9D33-834D47FEFC40_zpsicy4aalt.jpg