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6v headlamp bulbs are here

My 6v 50w direct replacement LED headlamp bulbs are now here and will be in the online shop later today (Tuesday 3rd)
Price is the same as my 12v 50w bulbs at £40.00 per pair plus £3.95 P&P.
As with the 12v bulbs they are protected against over voltage and will work on voltages between 6-11.5v.
100w of pure white light out front and just 3a of current consumed.


Location: Lincoln

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

What type of bulbholders do they fit?

Location: Just East of Sandy

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Well done, Peter.
It would be very helpful if you could post a couple of pictures of the actual bulb, unlit, on here. (If you aren't sure how to do that, if you email the photos direct to me, I will post them for you.)

Ian Mc.

Location: Shropshire

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Am I right in assuming these are replacements for single filament headlamp bulbs, or are they dippable?

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Ordered mine today. Report in due course

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Reckless Rat
Am I right in assuming these are replacements for single filament headlamp bulbs, or are they dippable?

Reckless dipping version coming soon, have a look at Peters post here:-

Fitting a Bosch 6V dynamo

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

They're available in BA15s for earth return systems and BA15d for 2 wire systems.

I'm working on a LED bulb to replace the 18/3w type used in Chummy's

I also have special bulbs for Divers Helmet lamps in my online shop.

Last but not least is a new light board to convert a standard red Lucas ST51 D lamp to LED stop/tail/number plate and flashing indicators. They'll be in the shop tomorrow (Wednesday).


Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Hi Peter, can you give me a link to your online shop please ?


Location: Bristol

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Alastair Gill
Hi Peter, can you give me a link to your online shop please ?



Location: “Plagiarism is illegal, mispeeling iz knot.”

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Peter, please let us know when the Chummy bulbs are available. All I get from each of my headlights is a round ring of weak light with a big black hole in the middle. Same for either of the bulb positions.

Location: Miserable and freezing SW France

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Just tried them. Not been out on the road yet. Anyway it's not dark enough. But in the garage with the lights out they are unbelievable. Peter, I think this is the biggest contribution to vintage motoring in years. All we need now is for the MSA to allow them.

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

This sounds very promising, will they fit into Scuttle Mounted headlights as well?

Can anyone post a photo of the bulbs themselves please?

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Ruairidh Dunford

Can anyone post a photo of the bulbs themselves please?

I asked the same question Ruairidh. I at least like to see a picture of something which I might be contemplating spending £40 on!

Ian Mc.

Location: Shropshire

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

I received mine yesterday and they look fantastic!
Not yet been able to try them properly because of the climate on Skye. I need to focus them and don't want to expose the reflectors to the rain!
I already have LED tail lights. And now the ammeter discharge drops when changing from sidelights to headlights because the front side lights (2 Amps) go out. Goes down to virtually nothing - seems against nature!
Also gone to LED indicators and the ammeter pulsing has gone and they are very bright.
Great stuff!!

NOTE: I shall need to run on 1/2 charge or reduce the charging current with the 3rd brush to avoid boiling the battery.

Location: A very wet Isle of Skye

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Could someone make a list please, per car model, covering the types of LEDs needed to replace normal bulbs
It will save a lot of head scratching and possible expense in not getting the correct type.
I'm scratching my head as to what types to fit everywhere..

Looks as if I no longer need to think about fitting a Beetle dynamo.

Geoff - Workshop organizing taking shape, but sooo slowly

Location: South Norfolk - Near Suffolk

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

I'm not sure I can work out how to post a picture but here goes.


Click the link to look at my 12v 36w BA15s headlamp bulb or illuminator as some like to call them.
The 12v 50w and 6v 50w are essentially the same but have more LEDs. All are available in BA15s and BA15d fittings.
All use a common aluminium body for excellent heat sinking and are internally protected against over temperature.
The 6v version works on voltages between 6 and 11v. The two 12v variants are 12-24v rated.
They are all bi polarity so one bulb suits both positive or negative earth.


Location: Lincoln

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here


"This sounds very promising, will they fit into Scuttle Mounted headlights as well?"

I don't think these will suit the Lucas R501 5" which has a double contact twin filemant 18/5 bulb - BA15D twin filament.

They sound good for the Lucas R47 7" which has a single filament single contact bulb on a BA15S base.


Location: Malvern, Melbourne, Australia.

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Tony, I am working on an LED replacement for the 18/5w bulb for scuttle lamps.

I'm working on a rating of 36/5w which I believe should make a lot of early Austin Seven owners (and their cars dynamos) very happy. Consumption will be 1a/0.14a at 6v. 5a CAV dynamos should like that!


Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here


Excellent - I have advised our Club spares manager about the new LED 'bulbs'.

Looking forward to the 18/5's.


Location: Malvern, Melbourne, Australia.

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Thank you Tony and Peter, what a bright idea.

 photo 89a0783535ef73b59f1aff0907aed3e6_zps45cb6704.jpg

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Well I've been out in the dark now. I'd been used to 6v austin lamps both of chummy and 1930 types. Let's just say I had to eat a lot of carrots. I can honestly say that these led bulbs are every bit as good as claimed. The light is white, not yellow. The spread is good and they were in focus straight away no adjustment necessary. The best thing is with all the lights on, the ammeter still shows a healthy positive charge.
Every bit as good as I'd hoped.

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Alan, you join the long list of satisfied customers! I'm glad you're happy with them.
If you're still using a 3 brush charging system, move your 3rd brush to take into account the new low current consumption.
Maximum demand + half an amp is fine.


Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

I received my LED headlamp bulbs today. They were fitted almost before the postman left.

They are a direct replacement for the old bulbs without any fiddling about.

The ammeter barely moves. I can now see & be seen. Opens up the possibility of late evening summer jaunts down country lanes and I can now actually see what I am about to hit.


Location: Lincolnshire for the rest of the week

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Reckless Rat
Am I right in assuming these are replacements for single filament headlamp bulbs, or are they dippable?

Is it legal to have high beam only in UK? Or do I miss something?

Location: sunny Brittany

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Sorry for this personal message gentlemen but I lost your email Reckless! Thanks for sending it to me please.

Location: sous la pluie

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

My car has only low beam!

Location: A very windy Isle of Skye

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Single filament,permanently dipped headlights are perfectly legal in UK.

Location: South Gloucestershire

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Ian Dunford
Single filament,permanently dipped headlights are perfectly legal in UK.

But not permanently high beam surely?

Location: sous la pluie

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Single beam lamps adjusted to be permanently in the dipped position

Ian Mc.

Location: Shropshire

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Ian McGowan
Single beam lamps adjusted to be permanently in the dipped position

Ian Mc.

Thanks Ian. That enlighten me but not much the road!

Location: sous les nuages

Re: 6v headlamp bulbs are here

Spoke to Peter at C D & R conversions esterday:

I asked him when the dual filament bulbs will be ready so I can 'LED' my 1925 Chummy. I am given to understand that they may be available, after all testing is carried out, within the next couple of months.

Being able to drive a Chummy at night, without the dynamo giving itself a hernia, being able to actually see where you are going and without any commands from the Memsahib to "slow down" must be rather nice.

Personally, I can't wait.

Location: London tonight. Azerbaijan tomorrow. B*****.