Warriors Kingdom Forum

The Forum on Heidelberg and South Port United Soccer clubs Greek History, Manowar and more! Forum rules 1. All messages must be posted in either Greek or English. 2. No abuse towards another person, ethnic group will be tolerated. 3. No get rich quick schemes. Breaking these rules will result in your message being deleted, cautioned, and placed on a card. Red card = out.

Warriors Kingdom Forum
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Hey There

Hey, How ya doin?

I've been trying to get a hold of you through E-mail, I guess you haven't been getting them?

let me know what's up, and I'll try re sending you the mail.


Re: Hey There

Hey Jess - Sorry you couldn;t email me. I just cleaned out some space in my email - try now and if you don;t have any luck then I will delete some more room - cheers !


Okay, thanks!

I will be sending you some mail then
