it's about Cardiff..
Sport, Entertainment, Transportation, Business,
Development Projects, Leisure, Eating, Drinking,
Nightlife, Shopping, Train Spotting! etc.. then we want it here!
Tafwyl - a festival featuring the city's Welsh schools and societies. Jantra is right - it was a great day out for families. I'm not sure it was the WG that organised it - although they certainly supported it, as did the Council.
Great to see people like Chris Coleman, Jamie Roberts etc spending so much time with the kids.
It was organised by Menter Caerdydd, although they're funded by the Welsh Government.
We popped in and it looked great, I'd have liked to have stayed longer but the yougest offspring was freaking out.
Hopefully it will become an annual event in the castle, it's been going a few years but was much smaller. It was in the Mochyn Du car park a couple of years ago.