it's about Cardiff..
Sport, Entertainment, Transportation, Business,
Development Projects, Leisure, Eating, Drinking,
Nightlife, Shopping, Train Spotting! etc.. then we want it here!
Morgan Cole is looking at four potential options:
- remain where it is
- move to Plas Glyndwr, the old WDA building
- move to 3 Assembly Square
- move to Custom House
It looks like the move won't involve any expansion of space (although 3 Assembly Square would give that option).
WalesOnline seem to have mangled up Legal and General's requirements which are more likely to be around 200,000 square feet than 20,000, unless they are talking about only a small part of the operations.
Seems there is seen to be some urgency in increasing office space due to "relocation requirements" by some firms based in London. Probably back-office stuff, but that is what Cardiff should be aiming for. We have plenty of financial services call centres, claims processing etc. What we don't have is proper 'back-office' or 'middle-office' activities for London-based companies.
Where is Custom House? Is this the Custom House currently occupied by the Huggard Centre whilst their facility gets built in Dumballs Rd? If so thats way smaller than their current offices and would require a signifcant extension.
Is No 3 Assembly Square the bulding already existing or the one yet to be built (ie the big space in the middle)?
I'm surprised they aren't looking to be a bit more ambitious. They used to be the undisputed top dogs in Cardiff but seem to be trailing in the wake of Eversheds and Hugh James (who appear to be looking at CS south side).
As an aside WAG are schmoozing the legal world in London looking for relocations. It's unlikely that HQ's will be moving but those firms looking to get into volume legal services (likely to become much more prevalent in the next few years) such as conveyancing, wills, personal injury, employment etc might take a view that the cheaper property costs and lower wages in Cardiff are quite attractive when margins are quite small. It remains to be seen if this is anything other than another failed initiative but there could be some scope for that type of relocation.
I do believe Custom House is being extended to around 30,000 square feet as part of a redevelopment that will knock down the old York Hotel. I know some people might think this is a bit of old Cardiff being knocked down but after years of neglect its a pig of a building. And can you imagine it ever being gainfully used again? Especially as a hotel.. its like something out of a Hitchcock movie *shudder*
I remember the plans. The extension to the Custom House was bland although inoffensive. I think the York Hotel is beyond redemption in any event.
I suppose out of the 4 options above this is the one I prefer as at least it involves an upgrade and usage of a listed building and is a sort of CS development.
It is unabmitious, but if they choose Custom House it will at least get the York Hotel/Custom House sorted.
Likewise I'd be happy if they selected Assembly Square. It's a lovely building and it would be nice to see it full.
It would be nice to finally see L&G do something as there's been rumours for years about them relocating. Personally I'd like both to go to Callaghan Square, just to get the south side kicked off at some point in the next year and the whole scheme finished before any start is made on offices elsewhere. The road layout changes will surely start there in the next few months as well (after the Olympics), and maybe after that we'll eventually get a start on the south side buildings if one of the above do decide to move there.