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Cardiff ISV offices

I was reading the latest Penarth Marina Residents Association newsletter and came across the fact that the site of the former ISV offices have been given planning to be developed into (IIRC) 150 apartments.

does anyone know anything about this as it appears this has crept in under the radar?

Re: Cardiff ISV offices

I was reading the latest Penarth Marina Residents Association newsletter and came across the fact that the site of the former ISV offices have been given planning to be developed into (IIRC) 150 apartments.

does anyone know anything about this as it appears this has crept in under the radar?

An application to build on them was submitted at the same time as the application for the main ISV flatted development and the affordable units adjacent to Morrisons.

I doubt they've consent yet, given the date they were submitted.

Re: Cardiff ISV offices

thanks for that, i may have read it incorrectly, but I'm sure it said that planning consent had been granted

Re: Cardiff ISV offices

thanks for that, i may have read it incorrectly, but I'm sure it said that planning consent had been granted

Not according to CCC website.