black arm bands all round for the great one.
I hadn't noticed any acknowledgement from this site.
As for Thatcher herself, I still think her domestic record is over-rated by many of her chief supporters and her battles won at enormous cost for many. On foreign policy she was probably the greatest PM since Churchill.
Celebrating with a takeaway and a bottle of wine.
Leftwingers do that - it's part of the training. Of course, when it's one of their own they go into paroxysms of grief. Personally, I like to admire anyone that has done well even if I don't agree with them
I would also add that the only party that has ever decided to ban coal as an energy source was the Labour party by signing up to climate control.
Heddwch i'w llwch.
It's worth remembering that Wales was the exception under Thatcher. Nicholas Edwards, Peter Walker and David Hunt persued an interventionist economic policy with the WDA. It was Major that appointed John Redwood.
I think she was wrong on many things and some of the Thatcher-worship is sickening - but so is the hatred.
At the end of the day a woman has died. Her children will be feeling the grief we all feel at the loss of a parent. Why don't the worshipers and the haters both step back?
The mining industry had indeed been winding down for years, and quite right too, it was economically and environmentally unsustainable. Previous governments had gone to enormous lengths to diversify the economy and replace the lost jobs, but not Maggie, she really couldn't have given a shit. 21,500 South Wales miners' jobs gone in just a few years, plus thousands more steel jobs, and all the other local jobs and communities that depended on them, and what did we get in return? An empty LG factory at Newport and a couple of by-passes.
As for Thatcher's poor children, the arms-dealing, coup-plotting crook and the halfwitted racist journalist, well I kinda hate them too. Sorry.
I find the revelling in her death pretty repugnant really. How would people feel if people did the same when MAndela, or Tony Benn or whomever dies?
It just cheapens and poisons the whole political culture.
I've never voted Tory, but really, what Thatcherite policies would people roll back now?
Fancy not having a choice on your Phone or internet provider? Fed up with British Gas? Tough shit, you have no choice. Want spiraling inflation? Want endless strikes? Want to deny working class people the rights to own their own home?
British industry was in decine WAY before Thatcher came into power. It became uncompetitive.
I've got mixed views on her to be honest, but yeah, the people pleased to see her die...that's bad form.
Could you please list all of Margaret Thatcher's policies which have proven to have been of long term benefit to the United Kingdom?
Could you possibly list anyone you like/agree with? OK, the list might small but it might prove interesting.
Oh god, I can feel a shit storm approaching!
A pretty accurate summing up of Thatcher effect on Wales.
I don't disagree that the mark of a society is how it looks after those who cannot look after themselves. However you need a strong economy to be able to afford all of those things that are required. You don't get that with left wing policies which, through the law of unintended consequences, reduce output and productivity.
As for your comment about unions and the workplace, this isn't the 1920s. We have legislation to protect workers. You also need to appreciate that without profits - something unions are vehemently opposed to - you don't get reinvestment and product development that ensures competitiveness, creativity and advances society. Uk manufacturing was destroyed in the 1960s and 1970s as a rest of the union menace. Rampant inflation was the result of their wage demands, low profits meant less reinvestment and innovation resulted in other nations overtaking the uk. There needs to Be balance