it's about Cardiff..
Sport, Entertainment, Transportation, Business,
Development Projects, Leisure, Eating, Drinking,
Nightlife, Shopping, Train Spotting! etc.. then we want it here!
I'm afraid I made the whole Bayscape thing up, sorry you know how it is, bored just wanting to be liked by fellow posters, so I thought, what the heck lets say I'm building a 35 storey tower and 5 star hotel in Cardiff.
When people took me seriously, then the problems really started, I have had to stall them and make up "when the time is right" stories for nearly 5 years now!
Actually I did post as Christopher once, and people went mental!
Other than that I have never posted under an other name.
It's the season of goodwill to all men and women, so following Zach's example, I only post as Jantra.
feel free to state your pseudonym's here....
Jantra, didn't you post as A Briton and also briefly, following 'Jantra v George' as some bloke from Canton/Ely?
It was during your flounce.
I've posted as H M Arsėe, Mr Appeasement, J Anthony van der Beulenboek and many, many others more recently, including a couple of very well known names. I may reveal all of my identities some day. I may even be Jantwat, although that would be hard to believe...
I hereby attest to the truth committee that I have regularly been posting under the following pseudonyms:
Random Comment
i dunno y
Lord crow
Dr Jekyll
Mustrum ridcully
Mr Hyde
Ian Bridgend
Ian Cardiff
Ian elsewhere
Simon SW
Zach .......(hence Christopher also)
and Me.
oh sh*t - how long has this forum been going? - ages! and we've really only got 5 posters just trying to cheer me into thinking we had bloody hundreds!!! Still no worries onward and upward for 2014 as they say in the bayscape planning department (any news zach?)