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I thought I'd start a new thread for this seeing as the plans are totally different from the Havannah Quay plans for the site from a few years ago that went nowhere.
I'm having trouble making sense of the artist's impression. It seems to show a curved river-frontage but at that point the Taff is fairly straight. And I can't see Dumballs Road.
I'm struggling to grasp the perspective of the artists impression.
The only interpretation that makes sense to me is if the river is at the foot of this drawing (ie we are looking at the scheme as if we are standing in the river -albeit on a pair of mega high stilts! ).
Dumballs Road itself is almost invisible in this scheme traversing roughly east to west in front of the 'empty square space' at the top which is presumably the area covering the Fusion Point 3 / Cardioff & Vale College Campus?
Any other interpretations?
PS Edit - Just read Random's comment which was posted whilst I was writing this!!! The river does indeed curve - take a look at Google maps
The timing is a bit of a coincidence for me as I was wondering about this scheme yesterday afternoon and what was going to happen. I hadn't read anything about it for quite a while, probably not since Havannah Quay so I thought I'd search online and found this PDF report from the council:
It may have been discussed on here previously and I missed it or forgot about it.
The taller buildings are intended to represent development at the city centre end of Dumballs Road and along the river I think, at least from what I can make out from this line :
"The scheme is proposed to step-up in density and height through the phases of development as it moves north towards the city centre and along the river frontage"
An interesting find. I see the developer's website very optimistically mentions starting to build in 2014.
This development will be fundamental to ensuring the 'bay' and the 'city centre' are effectively linked. Hopefully there'll be waterside public access (I think there's scope to connect along the front of the development to the south; to the north might be restricted by the shitty industrial units south of Penarth Road) and some mixed uses at ground floor along main axis so that it's not just a housing scheme. If I recall, a Council document from about 18 months ago (green paper?) suggested this should be developed in a Scandenavian urban model, i.e. large apartments including family homes in grid-pattern blocks.
the proposal speaks of just over 2000 homes - of which just under half will be 'affordable' (not sure if the remainder will be 'unaffordable') ... it''s proposed the Council will lease and manage these
this stock will consist of "158 one-bedroom, 757 two-bedroom and 35 three-bedroom homes", so it doesn't seem as if family housing is much of a priority here.
also interesting is the new (pedestrian?) bridge in the pic above - this has been mooted since the days of CBDC
I suppose it all depends on the quality of bellephoron and whether they've got the resources. As mixed developments go, it looks interesting. Lets hope it happens in some form
The map above is pretty small, and who knows how near to the final vision it is, but it certainly does not seem to make anything of Trade Street, as has previously been suggested. There appears to be a block of flats directly blocking the route from Trade Street into what appears to be a newly planned area of park land. This seems to me to be a shame. Opening this up would would provide a great view from the new park to Millennium stadium (via the Brains brewery if it is still around) and provide a much nicer pedestrian route to town and the train station, featuring human level buildings as opposed to the office sheds of dumballs road. If cars are a concern, then the route could be blocked to cars but open to pedestrians and cyclists. This would also give trade street an opportunity to become more prominent as a through route as opposed to a dead end. While the buildings are not spectacular, there is a nice cluster of buildings down there, hence the once proposed 'heritage quarter'.
The plans also seem to suggest a pretty major re-working of canal parade park. It it widened close to Louden Sq, and seems to face directly onto Dumballs Road. They incorporate these diagonal pathways they seem to be fond of into Canal Park and plant many more trees. While this could work well, it comes at the expense of the existing football pitch, which could cause concern for some.
There are a set of buildings planned for the current site of warehouses on Canal Parade, backing onto Callaghan Sq. I wonder whether these more out of the way plots are planned for some of the affordable housing elements of the scheme, with the riverfront builds aimed at higher price ranges.
It depends on the density of homes Frank, if there are quite a few apartment blocks that's easily achievable. If you build lots of apartment buildings in a small space then you'll achieve a higher population figure.
The information available in the links further up the thread, for example, suggest that we'll get some higher density homes towards the river and closer to the city centre.
Looking at some of the images on the developer's website (link below) there seems to be quite a few 4 storey and above buildings in their plans, so I guess that's how that figure will be achieved.
2000 homes? That would suggest a population of maybe 3000????? Doesn't sound likely in such a small area.
2000 homes will fit into that space. eg There's about 625 apartments in Celestia alone and its footprint is tiny compared to the Dumballs Road area footprint.
More specifically for that area:
Century Wharf is 942 apartments on 7 hectares.
This proposal is for 1500 to 2000 homes on 13 hectares.
It depends on the density of homes Frank, if there are quite a few apartment blocks that's easily achievable. If you build lots of apartment buildings in a small space then you'll achieve a higher population figure.
The information available in the links further up the thread, for example, suggest that we'll get some higher density homes towards the river and closer to the city centre.
Looking at some of the images on the developer's website (link below) there seems to be quite a few 4 storey and above buildings in their plans, so I guess that's how that figure will be achieved.
The following is in this week's planning applications :
14/00430/DCI Hybrid Application Expected Decision Level: DEL
Received: 25/03/2014 Ward: BUTETOWN
Case Officer: Simon Gilbert
Applicant: Dumballs Road Regeneration LLP, , ,
Agents: Neame Sutton Limited, West Suite, Coles Yard Barn, North Lane, Clanfield, Hampshire, PO8 0RN
Proposal: HYBRID APPLICATION: FULL DETAIL in respect of the demolition of existing industrial buildings and
erection of 646 no. dwellings and 357 sq.m of A1/A2/A3/D1 floorspace, associated car parking and
secure cycle storage, access, servicing and landscaping and OUTLINE WITH ALL MATTERS
RESERVED in respect of A1 retail, A2 financial and professional services, A3 food and drink, B1 office,
C1 Hotel, C3 residential, D1 non-residential institution, D2 assembly and leisure uses, access, parking,
servicing and landscaping.
Over 100 documents in the application (14/00430/DCI), with particularly relevant ones being:
Basic Layout and building uses:
A nice 3-D massing model:
And, of course the design and access statement (only one part is worthwhile looking at really):
In terms of whats planned, this is a full application for most of the southern part of the site which will consist of apartments and some terraced housing, and a little bit of retail space. The rest of the development (including most of the residential space) is only set out as an outline application with all matters reserved - this might go challenged, and some things like broad layout and access may required to be determined at this outline stage.
I think it looks pretty impressive. Overall the massing of the scheme is impressive with some taller buildings by the river and planned for the north of the scheme.
The first phase is mostly low-mid rise, with two exceptions:
- a riverfront building at the south which will be up to 15 stories
- a building fronting Dumballs road at the south as a 'gateway' which will be mostly mid rise but have a mini-tower on the corner up to 15 stories.
The rest oh the first phase is fairly similar to Cardiff Pointe - terraces of townhouses with mid-rise apartments on the corners.
The first building is building D:
Not that sure about the design - it looks a little fussy to me, with too much going on: too many different colours; overly fussy presentation; and a slightly odd massing. In particular, the tower should either be taller (or the rest shorter), or it shouldn't be there, in my view. It looks a bit like a stub at the moment. It does look a lot better in the massing model, but the 'birds eye' perspective isn't really whats important here.
Lot C which is supposedly the second building to be built looks much better. You can see it on page 15 of the D&A (section 2), although I can't see any detailed schematics for it (although it is meant to be part of this first phase!). I like the sloping roofs which could create some quite interesting top floor apartments.
Probably trying to get a better price for the land. Isn't it a receivers job to get the best return on assets in order to settle a company's debts?
Doubt if it will hold up the scheme too much as they will just negotiate a better price.
Probably trying to get a better price for the land. Isn't it a receivers job to get the best return on assets in order to settle a company's debts?
Doubt if it will hold up the scheme too much as they will just negotiate a better price.
Exactly, it's a bit of a non-story really. If the whole scheme falls apart because they can't deal with one receiver and haggle a decent price then they can't manage a scheme of this size.
There seems to be a lot more amended plans on the council site for this now, although they may have been there a while and I missed them. Loads of documents:
The ones I'd scanned only seem to refer to development west of Dumballs Road, not including the two plots east of the road (that may be to follow). Some of the homes looks very similar to the ones on the west bank of the current IVS housing development.
I still think it is a shame it doesnt better interact with Trade Street and Curran Road. But there is an odd bit of land between Trade Street and the development that is currently part of a massive warehouse, part of which is included in the plans and part of which is not. Maybe negotiations are still ongoing and these streets will be better linked in once completed.