it's about Cardiff..
Sport, Entertainment, Transportation, Business,
Development Projects, Leisure, Eating, Drinking,
Nightlife, Shopping, Train Spotting! etc.. then we want it here!
The height of the jib of the Prospect Place crane is 67.5 metres ( presumably the total height of the structure will be in the region of 200 feet) and is capable of lifting 12 tons. The weight of the concrete counterbalance is 26 tons.
It takes the crane driver in excess of ten minutes to climb the ladder to get to his little pod!
Heh Kyle - come spring when our glorious sunshine returns, it'll be like being back in Dubai with all these cranes!!
Don't, I'm really struggling with this bloody weather compared to how it was when I left Dubai in November ! I could do with a trip back to dry out.
It's nice to see a few developments and cranes around the city again. I'm really hoping a few more start to appear this year, particularly if Rightacres get their arse in gear on the first Capital Square office.
Two cranes not mentioned above are clearly visible across the city - although strictly speaking they're in the Vale. There at Llandough Hospital, building the mental health unit that will replace Whitchurch.