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Re: fairwater LDP referendum result

@voice of reason

Your posts create an image of a rather odious individual. You remind me of the kid who'd take his football home if he didn't get to play as striker. By all means disagree with cambo's posts but why criticise his profession? Yes it is an inexact science (the uk alone has 63m variables) but he at least attempts to bring rational thought and argument to the debate rather than emotional bluster and party rhetoric.

Another thing, why is it ok for you to regurgitate the innovative radicalises baloney ad infinitum but then you criticise others if you think they adhere to a particular party doctrine. You're a hypocrite. Wind your neck in and allow others to express their own opinions without your thinly veiled threats. You come across as a bit of a knob in all honesty

That's rich coming from Wales' least-loved accountant and most-despised poster on a number of message boards. "Why criticise his profession?" When did I do that? I believe that this man, who has just been appointed to a taxpayer funded role by a Labour minister, is incredibly biased and is following his bosses' agenda.

He is a paid-up Labour Party supporter. Why don't you tell him what you think of the Labour Party?

You criticise a whole sector of professions. The public sector. Just because I disagree with this probably fraudulent and certainly unsustainable LDP doesn't link me to any political party. All of the parties in Cardiff oppose this LDP apart from your hated Labour.

As for regurgitating stuff, believe me, it's all my own work.

You have sunk to name calling and, therefore, lost the debate. I am still chuckling about you calling me a knob.

How infantile.

How Damian.

How Feedback

How very Jantra.

And as for winding my neck in, you should do that, Porky, but I suppose your chins would get in the way. I would eat you for breakfast if you weren't so damned fattening.

That's how to insult someone knobHEAD.

Okay chum


Re: fairwater LDP referendum result

What makes you think that's insulting, you're hardly a wordsmith demonstrating rapier wit and devastating repartee. Have another go if you must, I'm sure you'll strike a nerve eventually, then again, maybe not.

Re: fairwater LDP referendum result

Your personal insults to other posters are completely out of order "voice of reason". Just because people don't agree with your opinion is not ever a reason to stoop as low as you have been. Debate is welcome but your style of bullying is not.

Re: fairwater LDP referendum result

I have never been a member of Labour or any other political party, nor donated to one. Fact.

You do not know my motivations. You do not know my politics. You do not know me, despite thinking that you do. Anyone who does know me knows that I don't follow any one party's line - I'll support policies from whoever, and criticise policies from whoever - based on those policies. That's the kind of person who goes into public economics. If you were the kind of person who was tribal, my job would quickly become very taxing - because there is no room for favouritism. Is it so far out of your own way of thinking that you can't grasp that some people don't base their decisions on tribal loyalties but instead on policy issues?

My last post was the final one on the LDP. This is the last one on myself. I've been goaded into the defence of myself above - but I will be goaded no further.


Re: fairwater LDP referendum result

Your personal insults to other posters are completely out of order "voice of reason". Just because people don't agree with your opinion is not ever a reason to stoop as low as you have been. Debate is welcome but your style of bullying is not.

Err Jantra called me a "Knob". So I responded in kind.

Re: fairwater LDP referendum result

The voice of reason
Your personal insults to other posters are completely out of order "voice of reason". Just because people don't agree with your opinion is not ever a reason to stoop as low as you have been. Debate is welcome but your style of bullying is not.

Err Jantra called me a "Knob". So I responded in kind.

Correct, because that's what your posts suggest

Re: fairwater LDP referendum result

The voice of reason
Your personal insults to other posters are completely out of order "voice of reason". Just because people don't agree with your opinion is not ever a reason to stoop as low as you have been. Debate is welcome but your style of bullying is not.

Err Jantra called me a "Knob". So I responded in kind.

Correct, because that's what your posts suggest

Well if you dish it out, you must be able to take it.

By the looks of you, you dish a lot out and then take it all for yourself.

You have lowered the tone of the debate.

Luckily, hardly anyone really cares about your opinions.

There is a Wales-wide anti LDP movement growing with thousands of supporters.

Maybe you should instigate a pro-LDP group.

I bet that very few people would show even the slightest interest.

Re: fairwater LDP referendum result

The voice of reason

Well if you dish it out, you must be able to take it.

By the looks of you, you dish a lot out and then take it all for yourself.

you are inferring that it bothers me. it doesn't, it is all water off a ducks back. maybe you get wound up by the musings of strangers on the wunderweb, but please appreciate that I do not. fire away your best salvo, if its amusing you'll find me laughing along, if its akin to what you have written thus far, I'll be taken to new uncharted levels of tedium.

The voice of reason

You have lowered the tone of the debate.

the thing is you really believe this. have a read of this thread and appreciate the common denominator in all of this.

The voice of reason

Luckily, hardly anyone really cares about your opinions.

good, because people should be free to form their own opinions and no one should try and force their opinions on to others. perhaps you might take that on board

The voice of reason

There is a Wales-wide anti LDP movement growing with thousands of supporters.

thousands from a population of millions. a real mass movement then.

The voice of reason

Maybe you should instigate a pro-LDP group.

why, the LDP has been accepted and is going ahead. Why support something that is a fait accompli? you're an odd fellow, you're asking me to fight battles that have already been won.

The voice of reason

I bet that very few people would show even the slightest interest.

I bet more people are interested in x-factor than your crusade. that doesn't make it a just cause though.

I'm bored now, you've served your purpose for a few days, you've not really grasped the idea of internet debate or humour. perhaps you should try a different thread like 'what are you having for dinner'. you might find that more applicable to your writing style.

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