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Re: Welsh Labour

another Jantra fuelled thread.

Re: Welsh Labour

I find it amusing how many of the "Labour" Cardiff Councillors fail to include membership of the Labour Party on their Declarations Of Interest (isn't that illegal by the way?).

Re: Welsh Labour

Whatever your political views, it is not good for a country to be dominated by one political force for a long period of time. To break that mould you need one person to stand up and seek influence rather than office - in other words stick their neck out and say the unpalatable truth about what the country needs to do in order to succeed in order to start the debate which might lead to new thinking. Unfortunately all our politicians want power, and all our institutions want to suck up to whosoever is in power. Maybe if Scotland went independent, and England declared UDI, the shock that would give Wales would force a painful but transformational wake up call.

Re: Welsh Labour

To break that mould you need one person to stand up and seek influence rather than office - in other words stick their neck out and say the unpalatable truth about what the country needs to do in order to succeed in order to start the debate which might lead to new thinking.

I presume this is the launch of the "Jantra for FM" campaign.

Re: Welsh Labour


Plaid are little better, always blaming those nasty Tories in Westminster for the state of the Welsh economy rather than taking to task Labour for their appalling record in government in Wales.

The fact that if they ever want to win power in Wales they have to defeat Labour in Cardiff not the Tories in London seems to have escaped them.

I have no idea what Welsh news you are watching (none, probably) but we are constantly criticising the record of Welsh Labour. We focus almost entirely on them because the Tories are a political irrelevance in Wales.

I've read some of your manifestos you do like to prattle on about social justice and "the cuts" rather than what Wales needs which is economic growth.

Re: Welsh Labour

Whatever your political views, it is not good for a country to be dominated by one political force for a long period of time. To break that mould you need one person to stand up and seek influence rather than office - in other words stick their neck out and say the unpalatable truth about what the country needs to do in order to succeed in order to start the debate which might lead to new thinking. Unfortunately all our politicians want power, and all our institutions want to suck up to whosoever is in power. Maybe if Scotland went independent, and England declared UDI, the shock that would give Wales would force a painful but transformational wake up call.

The unpalatable truth is Wales needs to stop relying on subsidies from England to fund a giant public sector largess and instead encourage self reliance and enterprise amongst our people but few would make that argument because the Welsh Labourites will accuse you of perpetraying a "war on Wales".

Re: Welsh Labour

another Jantra fuelled thread.

you are aware that your IP is recorded when you post. you'll also find that it was not me that started this thread. I've merely commented on it.

Re: Welsh Labour

To break that mould you need one person to stand up and seek influence rather than office - in other words stick their neck out and say the unpalatable truth about what the country needs to do in order to succeed in order to start the debate which might lead to new thinking.

I presume this is the launch of the "Jantra for FM" campaign.

has a certain ring to it doesn't it