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I once spent a vacation in Sarasota, FL at the "Holidome" with my folks when I was about 8. I remember thinking that there could not be a better place to stay IN THE WHOLE WORLD. An indoor pool?!!? Whaaa?? How cool is that. Put-put, too? Nirvana, I say!

But what I really want to talk about is Brandon's aversion to the BK. If I were not trying to fit into the most glamerous wedding gown in the land I would be eatin' some whoppers and fries RIGHT NOW.

Re: Holidomes

Okay, I can see how the holodome could be cool to an 8 year old. But to me it was utterly depressing. I mean, it's completely misleading. It sounds like some dome structure with like a holodeck in it or something, or at least some holograms. It wasn't even domed. *Sigh*