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Making the most of the Languedoc

Very shortly our region "Languedoc-Roussillon" will be merged with "Midi-Pyrénées" to form a larger administrative region. The idea (allegedly) is to reduce the level of bureaucracy but seeing as that's a national pastime in France I doubt if it will work. Anyhow, the Languedoc will be no more very shortly. The public have been consulted over a choice of name for the new region which will stretch from Toulouse to the Camargue. Popular by far is the name "Occitanie" which relates to the old Occitan language still in use down here. In fact the Languedoc takes its name from the occitan word for yes, which is oc, as opposed to the French oui. Thus, Langue d'oc (the language of oc for yes).

OK school time over.

Just to give the car an airing I took the RP out for a tootle and to see if the lavender fields were in bloom. I've posted a series of photos on the web if you care to browse, rather than taking up a load of site space with big photos. On the way round I came across a huge field of sweet peas, the perfume from which was almost overpowering.

Link to photos here: click on this link

Rivet counters please feel free to comment on the state of my shed.

Location: Gard, France 30960

Re: Making the most of the Languedoc

Salut l'Imprudent,
We would like to be able to read the paper on the rear window!

Location: Windy, misty, Brittany

Re: Making the most of the Languedoc

How dare you come on here with your lovely Austin 7, your lavender fields, your sweet peas, your blue skies and your sunshine.

You've been away too long Reckless and you have clearly forgotten what a proper summer's day should look like.

To remind you, here is a photo of one beautiful day last week in North Herts...

 photo _DSC2267sm_zpsl5yzose6.jpg

Location: North Herts

Re: Making the most of the Languedoc

Yes, sorry about the summery weather photos. Normally it's crap here and we just have to make the best of things.... (does that make you feel better?)

The papers on the rear side windows are just the following technical information with a photo of the car at the top of the Col de la Bonnette (I can't find the original document since I changed computers)which is basically:

Infos techniques :
Longueur 3m23, Largeur 1m58. Poids à vide 428kg. Empattement 2m75. Carrosserie en tôle d’acier - 4 places.
Moteur 4 cylindres, soupapes latérales. Cylindrée 747cm3. Puissance 13ch à 2800tr/min.
Vilebrequin 2 paliers avec roulements à billes. Lubrification par pompe à huile et gicleurs.
Caisse en alliage, bloc et culasse en fonte. Carburateur desservi par pompe. Réservoir à l’arrière 25L.
Refroidissement par système thermosiphon. Ventilateur 4 paliers
Boîte à 4 rapports non synchronisée. Freinage à câbles sur les 4 roues.
Allumage par dynamo, bobine et delco. Démarrage par manivelle et/ou démarreur. Batterie 6v 80Ah
Roues en rayons de 19 pouces - pneus 19 x 3.50 par « Longstones ». Amortisseurs par frottement.
Ressort transversal à l’avant. Ressorts ¼ elliptiques à l’arrière. Direction par boîte.
Vitesse max : 78kph. Consommation 7litres/100km en moyenne. Essence sans plomb 95 sans additif

Helps to keep the silly question squad at bay when I park up.

Location: Gard, France 30960

Re: Making the most of the Languedoc

I was asked yesterday if The Calometre on my Chummy was a sat nav.
When I concurred I was then asked how it worked.
I explained that you just had to follow which way the arrow pointed.
This was accepted and my happy new friend departed.

Location: Wessex

Re: Making the most of the Languedoc

My favourite wind-up is telling someone who asks me if it's difficult driving a RHD car that really there's not much difference although it takes a bit of getting used to because the pedals are the other way round....

Location: Gard, France 30960

Re: Making the most of the Languedoc

Ian Dunford

I explained that you just had to follow which way the arrow pointed.


Location: Auckland NZ

Re: Making the most of the Languedoc

On the subject of the misinformed I was told by a young chap that my Swallow had a wooden chassis. I tried to explain that it had a wooden frame. The chap thought that was the same thing. I tried again but was informed that it definitely had a wooden chassis. Not wishing to waste more time with the guy, I lifted the bonnet to show him. "There" he said pointing to the wooden fillets between the wings and the bonnet "I told you it had a wooden chassis".

Not wishing to spoil his obviously greater understanding of the car, I nodded politely and quipped "Oh yes, I hadn't noticed that before"

Satisfied with his observation, the chap left me to ponder my wooden chassis.

Location: Derby

Re: Making the most of the Languedoc

The number of times I've been told "my dad used to have one of those" when I'm out in my Pembleton SS is astonishing. Considering it has a modernish flat twin BMW motor and was first available in 2000, people will not be told that it's not a Morgan Supersport and go away convinced that I'm lying to them. Occasionally I let them have their way and agree. How is it possible to mistake a Vee twin for a flat boxer but, then again, why should I spoil their day?

Re: Making the most of the Languedoc

Reckless Rat
My favourite wind-up is telling someone who asks me if it's difficult driving a RHD car that really there's not much difference although it takes a bit of getting used to because the pedals are the other way round....

Or as long as you drive on the left side?

Location: Windy, misty, Brittany