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new Nippy Archive restoration articles...

I don't mention new posts on the Nippy archive site here on here often, but will do so for 2017 to see if it brings about some new involvement.

There are quite a few 65/Nip cars being restored at present and the photos coming about from pre-restoration times can be seen to be incredibly useful, in tandem with Gould's book.

It's hopefully incredibly easy to access too - but could do with some feedback from other owners to further improve what is available!


Re: new Nippy Archive restoration articles...

Fabulous resource - well done Jon!

Re: new Nippy Archive restoration articles...

Super site great information it's a ten from me.
Nick Turley

Location: Centre of the Universe

Re: new Nippy Archive restoration articles...

Jon / Admin

What about a link on the front page of the forum to Jon's page? It might attract more 65/Nippy owners to the resource.


Re: new Nippy Archive restoration articles...

Nick - I've always been in two minds about bringing things up on here too regularly, as I realise it could pull discussion off the Forum and onto the Nippy archive. Until there is a better search structure for the forum, that's not too much of a problem (indeed, I've spent a long time researching past forum posts and have drawn out some topics like carb settings from lots of contributions to different threads, and filed them together in blog posts, with appropriate credit to the forum... just to stop others having to go through the same lengthy process)

In truth, the present demographic of owners probably isn't used to such things, with the ability to sign up for new dedicated practical and and forensic information and so on, free of charge. The hits are coming (about 100+different visitors a week, with average 5-6 page views each) but the email sign up is only on about 20 when we know there are many many more active cars. We also need interaction with these people who are obviously reading things - they can help inform progress, as they have the same eyes as we do.

Perhaps there isn't that much restoration activity going on; people are happy with their cars as they are, beyond that 20 or so sign ups. Whatever the case, it seemed/seems a no-brainer not to archive all our experiences going through what seems to be quite a gnarly process. There is much documentary evidence of "I tackled one Nippy restoration, but never again..." (and so on)!

Re: new Nippy Archive restoration articles...

Hello Jon et al

Thank you very much for all your hard work here, amongst others we're busy restoring a Type "65" in the Colonies.

It's had a hard life, been a race car since 1934, been shunted a few times and rolled at least once in its life before Dad bought it. The original motor is long gone as are the scuttle plates when the motor & box were moved back 4" to fit Mini rack & pinion steering. I fear the tunnel and number may also have been shortened thus loosing the 3 digit body number as well.

We're most of the way through the body restoration with new aluminium panels as the originals were extremely badly damaged as the integrity of the wooden structure had been compromised due to racing and the body had multiple tears in it as well as numerous riveted patches and loads of fibreglass & filler.

Your hard work will pay off in allowing us to accurately re-create some of the missing bits like the toe boards and scuttle.

A correct early sports crank case would be nice, (if any kind soul has such a spare), however we have a '33 standard crankcase ground internally to take the 1 1/2" crank which has been converted to pressure feed and the top end will get an LAP OHV conversion. Not correct, but that's how it arrived in our lives 40+ years ago.


Location: Port Elizabeth, Sunny South Africa

Re: new Nippy Archive restoration articles...

Greig - I've got some images of the inner bonnet area lower panels just sorted out for someone else, so will send a couple to you.

I'll send you an email and see if we have your car on the photo montage...