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2 owner Ruby Tourer on Ebay

There's a two owner 1937 Ruby Tourer up for Auction on Ebay and judging by the pictures a nicer example it would be hard to see. With all the original documentation it's got a Buy it Now price of £5500. The item number is 4626553265.
The tragedy is that the seller, who may or may not be the second owner, wants to sell the numberplate separately or at best to the car purchaser for 'The Market Value', which means it is almost certain the two will be split up. I'm still unsure how you can sell a number plate when it clearly states the number remains the property of the DVLA and can be withdrawn from you at any time. ie. - For displaying an incorrectly spaced number plate. I think that Historic cars that enjoy the privilege of free Road Fund Duty and I'll try not to get Mr MacDonald started again, should not be allowed to have this happen to them?
I feel in time that no Seven, which to number dealers is really a cheap car to find valuable plates on, will be left with their original identity and that would be a pity.
Any thoughts Sandy and others? Cliff

Re: 2 owner Ruby Tourer on Ebay

I totally agree with you. The car appears original and with only two owners, the number belongs to the car and should stay with it. My view is that all tax exempt cars, in fact all cars should retain their original numbers. It worries me a little how many people need to personalise their cars in very contrived ways. By all means put an unissued number on a car but keep the original one with it for ever. The unissued or personalised number should be used only by the purchser and be non transferable. Once the car is sold it should revert to the original number.

Re: 2 owner Ruby Tourer on Ebay

I also agree with the first two items, it makes a mockery of the 'Historic' tax classification when you rob the car of its history. It should be automatic that any vehicle falling within the Historic band is non transferable.

Shame on those who rob the numbers, sadly some Austin Seven 'enthusiasts' are also guilty of this sin

Re: 2 owner Ruby Tourer on Ebay

I agree absolutely with the previous comments, I even thought of sending the seller a message to the effect of "you should be ashamed of yourself you moneygrabber" but though that it would probably make no difference.

Re: Re: 2 owner Ruby Tourer on Ebay

Greed and ego are such powerful forces with some people that appealing to their better nature is a waste of time. Perhaps it is time that an organisation such as the FBHVC was asked to start lobbying for restrictions on the transfer of 'Historic Vehicle' registrations. Mind you someone will say it is an infringement on their civil liberties not to be able to make as much as they can from a sale. - Tough!

Re: 2 owner Ruby Tourer on Ebay

I've been banging this drum for ages, and got nowhere, but Ilike the suggestion the FBHVC may be a useful lobbying tool.

The DVLA are very unhelpful if you find a number has been transferred illegaly (that's when you can actually get to speak to someone) - e.g. the car the number is taken from does not have a current MOT certificate. The DVLA tell you - they will not put it in writing - to contact the local police and let them take action, Oh yes that's right at the top of their list, I've been at it for two years with the Hull Police and got nowhere so far, even by using my local MP. (Reg No. CG 7241).


Re: 2 owner Ruby Tourer on Ebay

It would appear that the Open Road Tourer is 'valued' at £5,500 and the registration number is valued at £6,000 making the whole car 'worth' £11,500.

The numer plate is worth whatever a fool will pay!; the car once 'robbed' will be worth far less than £5,500,

my only wish is that he fails to sell either.

Re: 2 owner Ruby Tourer on Ebay

Does anyone khow what the car eventually sold for? I was going to track it but forgot!

Re: 2 owner Ruby Tourer on Ebay

£3233.51.....reserve not met!

Re: 2 owner Ruby Tourer on Ebay

Looks like my wish was granted !

£3250 would seem to be as much as anyone was prepared to pay for a 'robbed' car, even though it was a nice example of its type.

It would appear that 'robbing' an Austin Seven takes about £1500 from the value of the car. Let's hope he puts it back on Ebay with its number and someone buys it for the car not the number.

Anyone who spends £6000 ( the number plate valuation ) on a personalised number plate is likely to be the type of person who objects to paying a premium road tax for being a 'gas guzzler' or doesn't like travelling at a sensible speed behind a vintage car. !

Re: 2 owner Ruby Tourer on Ebay

John B