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Imperial Grease Nipples

The replacent shackles on my Chummy have "hydraulic imperial nipples", however I cant find a grease gun that fits them (mine only fits properly onto metric hydraulic nipples and leaks on the imperial ones).
Any clues?

Re: Imperial Grease Nipples

Had the choice of answering this on either the VSCC Forum or here Mike but as your a Seven Man, will put my two pennyworth here!!

Are you using a flexible or solid 'hose'? I've always found that the flexible hoses leak as you describe so always use a solid pipe so that you can push against the nipple slightly eliminating the leak. It may also be that the nipple is seized/blocked. Try changing it for a different one to see if that performs any better.

I also use a 'hook on' gun on the Tecalmait (spelling?) nipples on my LeaF. Once hooked on properly, leaking isn't a problem.


Re: Imperial Grease Nipples

I had this problem when I first got my Ruby. You need a grease gun designed for them. The modern type only clamp over the rounded ball-shaped nipples, whereas the old type depend on the force you apply to the gun to hold them on.

I'd buy an old ram-type gun and use a piece of clean cotton rag between the gun and the nipple to make a nice tight fit (the grease will go straight through). By the way, the old type gun seems to work fine on the new nipples, but not the other way round.