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Single seaters

Hello everybody - I am located in Germany and new in this forum.
I have read quite a while and find everything rather informative and helpful - I am relatively new in A7s, having an example for three months now.

But now to my question : I am interested in the original single seaters (sidevalve and ohc) and would like to know, how many of those are still in existence and if examples are still used in competition or can be seen in museum.

The reason I am asking is, I saw a green single seater at two events shortly ago - and the driver/owner claimed it to be an original car.
Usually I am not that suspicious, but all the mechanicals are very modern modifications and the car is on 15" wheels, so I was wondering, if it really is an ex-works car.
It was all rather too much to believe, this is the reason for this post and is by no means thought as an offence to this man, but there were quite a few people wondering...

Any help or info is highly appreciated.

Re: Single seaters

Ralf: Welcome. You will find other VSCC Forum people here also ;-)

Was the single seater you saw of the mid/late '30's type? Those few that remain are not used for competition, only for display and some demonstration. Many similar cars are about but these are replicas. Of course Grant Cowies' 'Duck' Racer is green but this is earlier, lives in Aus (but came to the UK in 2005) and is a genuine car.


Re: Single seaters

Ralph, I think you will find that the whereabouts of the ex works ohc and sv cars is quite well known. However, it may be that you have seen a genuine prewar single seater even if it is not ex works: I can think of one, currently on 15" wheels.

Perhaps there is a need for discretion here, but can I ask, did you take a photo?

Regards, Stuart

Re: Single seaters

Stuart, yes, I have a photo of the car. It may indeed be, that he meant it to be a genuine prewar single seater - possibly my understanding was wrong ! I can send you a photo via email, if you like.

Re: Single seaters

Oh - Steve, thank you for the welcome, since I was reading here I, of course, saw quite a few familiar names.
A Duck the car definitely was not...
