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How do you advance ignition

This could be the first of many 'how do you' type threads from me.
Apart from the advance/retard lever on the steering wheel are there any other adjusting mechanisms that could be used on an 1931 standard engine. Thank you for any replies.

Re: How do you advance ignition

Under the dizzy is a clamp, its a thin metal plate under the dizzy, between it and the dynamo, you can loosen it off by undoing the nut and bolt (leave the other bolt (set screw) alone). From memory you turn it anticlockwise to advance. A little movement is a lot (or nothing if our dizzy was like mine!)

Re: How do you advance ignition

Hi David,
So you too have a 1931 A7? You werent at Bewl Water were you?

I too have had to adjust my timing by adjusting the dizzy clamp. I put the advance/retard lever amidships and then rotated the dizzy to get best running, then locked it up. It didnt need much movement.

Hope this helps.


Re: How do you advance ignition

Hello David,

Your model A7 would have originally been fitted with a manual advance Lucas Distributor, Most likely a Model DJ4.

If you wish to set the point of advance on such an installation, you need to slacken the clamp which secures the distributor to its mount on the dynamo.

You can then gently move the distributor body AGAINST the normal rotation of the distributot rotor to increase the amount of advance, or WITH the direction of rotation of the rotor to retard.

"Little by little, Bit by Bit" is the rule here, and make certain that you have made a note (felt pen mark, scratch, or something, so that you can return to original setting if thing start to go pear shaped.

If you overdo the advance you will end up with strange engine knocks and if you get the set up too far retarded, watch out for your arm, as the engine will tend to kick back when starting!

Best regards

Barry R

Re: How do you advance ignition

Many thanks for very helpful reply answers, not at Bewl only because I have only just aquired my 7 (well this Thursday I collect) Can't wait.

Re: How do you advance ignition

I can only add two tips to those above - If you're going to do the adjustment with the engine runing, stick on some rubber gloves, otherwise expect a few shocks up your arm in the process. Also, watch out for the fan whizzing round, it'll quickly take off any stray fingers!