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Air vents

Hi, on my recently aquired 1931 'Swallow' saloon the two 'funnel' air vents are not fitted onto the car. I refer to the scuttle vents. I understand that these were an optional extra at time of new car order, therefore it seems likely that my car has never been fitted with the vents. I really would like the vents to be fitted but would this be inappropriate to add this option at this stage of the cars life or would this be acceptable as fitting as a late option. Your views appreciated.

Re: Air vents

Surely its your car, so do what you want with it.

Re: Air vents

True enough Andrew, but from a purist point of view some say that owners of old cars are custodians waiting to pass on the car to the next custodian. So my question remains : is it a no no to fit an genuine option to a car so long after first owner purchase? Discuss please.

Re: Air vents


I have to say i am all for period accessories as long as they are appropriate for the car in terms of age / size / patina (i think it looks daft for a well worn original car to be fitted with new replica / freshly chromed accessories).

I cant see a problem with fitting the correct vents but would you be able to find any original ones with an suitable patina to match the rest of the car so they dont look out of place?



Re: Air vents


Does that mean we should rebody all Austin 7 specials back to original? If its a period option then just fit it, after all in the mists of time it would of had and engine rebuild, new tyres, it may even of had a different axle. In 30 years time whos going to remember what was fitted to the car in 2007?

Re: Air vents

A bit like triggers sweeping brush on Only Fools & Horses, he'd used the same one for about 25 years, it had only needed 35 new heads and sixteen new handles, but it was still original.

I think we can all get a bit too tangled up with the originality thing. Most of our cars are not ultra rare unique specimens, so long as it is reasonably in keeping with the period of the car just go ahead and do it. Thats my view.

You will ALWAYS get some busybody telling what you cannot do with your own property, more often than not they dont even own one themselves.


Re: Air vents

Hi David,

I understand your concerns especially as I am a new A7 owner as well.
I have fitted a Smiths 8-day 'Gentlemans Clock' and I think it looks great. I have left it 100% original warts and all.I looked at the books and pictures of other cars to position it correctly.
I think if it is of the period and was fitted to an A7 as an extra then thats fine.

Good luck with yuor Swallow.


Re: Re: Air vents

Beware of the rivet counter police!

Re: Air vents

Hi David,

there are at least two types of air vents fitted to Swallows, I have examples of both if you would like photos.

Not sure which was fitted to what car....



Re: Air vents

Many thanks for all your replies, it seems that should I fit the correct vents in a proper manner then I should be OK (save the rivet counters )

Ruairidh, I would be most interested in seeing a couple of pictures please, can you post them up here?


Re: Air vents

Hi David,

sorry for the delay in posting these...

I have taken several photos for reference.

The fith shows the positioning of the scuttle vents holes on my Mk2 Saloon Scuttle, as you can see the holes have been filled in at some point.

The fourth photo shows the scuttle on my Mk2 Two Seater scuttle.

one to three photos show the air vents from one of the cars, not sure which one. I do not have the other type of vents to hand. They have an oval aperture rather than the octagonal ones shown, they look more like steam ship vents!! Will try to locate these type and post up. Perhaps someone can advise which style is for which model. They should also be longer curved tubes attached to the bottom of these which direct the airflow onto your knees, I don't have these parts.

Hope this helps.



Re: Air vents

Many thanks Ruairidh for posting pic's. I can say that after a weekend of investigation the octagonal vents you have shown are for 1930-32 model. I have checked the scuttle on my 'Swallow' and find that the vents would have to be positioned about 7 inches or so away from the centre point of the windscreen. I still need to do some checking on this tho but it seems the vanity box is 'in the way'. If ever you wish to sell the scuttle vents can you place me on the buyers list.

Re: Air vents

I have now written to Swallow Register requesting help in tracking down scuttle vents as pictured. If anyone should come across these for sale please advise. Thank you.