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Austin site promo film

Bill Sheehan's references to Stanley Edge (in the SU carb thread) set me on a little internet hunt during which I stumbled upon this site.


Possibly already known to many of you so apologies if I am behind the game. Do check out the Austin promotional film (the link is in the bottom right hand corner of the opening page). What do we think, circa 1936? Number plates clearly visible in some shots - I wonder if any of the cars survive today?

All good wishes for the New Year to everyone on this fascinating, friendly and helpful forum.


Re: Austin site promo film

Thanks Nick for pointing us to that website. I noticed in the text that Austin's son-in-law was referred to as Herbert Waite, not Arthur C.R. As the one who suggested to Arthur that he be our first (and only) Club patron here in Melbourne I can assure you he would have been most upset at the incorrect name. (Incidentally, his enthusiastic agreement proved embarassing, as in his old-fashioned way he felt he had to support us financially as part of the deal. We put these funds each year towards the Arthur Waite Trophy for A7s, at our annual Historic Winton race meeting which I "invented" & ran the first couple of years. This year will see it's 32nd annual running). In later years when he took the trouble to look me up in Melbourne during a whirlwind World tour, (as mentioned in Assoc. Mag. 2007D) he would not consider withdrawing his support. Another great man. I've sent the B'ham Museum an email requesting an alteration in the interests of historical accuracy but whether they'll take any notice & make the alteration is a moot point. Cheers, Bill in Oz

Re: Austin site promo film

Hi Nick,
What a lovely film! if only the roads were still like that today. There are two shots of an early Big Seven
so date wise, probably late '36 early '37.

Re: Austin site promo film

Agreed John. As I watched the film I was struck by the how quiet the roads were back then (or even back in the 60's and 70's for that matter). Wouldn't it be great if for just one day of the year only pre-1939 vehicles were allowed on the roads!