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Welcome Austin seven Friends
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Go Forth

I don't know the origin of this, but I've copied it from Cornwall A7 Clubs Jan 2013 Mag.

Now, placing a picture here from Photobucket - This is the first time I've attempted to to this since (evidently) before August 2012.
Now, the updated instructions in the Index may well work for the rest of you, but at no point did I get a drop down menu ''on the first picture'.
I clicked on the image and (eventually) on the rhs the old fashioned 4 options appeared, the bottom one being [IMG.]......[/IMG.], hovered over it with the pointer till 'copied' appeared and pasted here, changing IMG to img.
Somewhere it's says Photobucket is Improved, I have another viewpoint on this.

Location: Near Lands End, UK