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Austin Seven Specials of the Brooklands era

Gentlemen; I am looking for a few more pictures of the Austin special "Slippery Anne", as well as background on three other contemporary Austin race cars. I am a modeler, and have carved patterns for two of the three 1/32 slotcar models that you may have seen online. Tony Condon of ACME in England offers all three as resin bodies. He has the Gordon England Austin Streamliner, and I supplied the patterns for the Blau Mouse and Mrs.JoJo. Tony and I were at the VSCC 75th Ann. event at Prescott, and were impressed enough by these little gems to go home and begin carving. Now I'm looking for another subject, and have seen several pictures and a lot of mention of Slippery Anne.
In particular, I am looking for a good offside (left) photo of this car in period. Thanks to Austin Harris, a wonderful nearside view is to be seen on his website. I have seen mentions that this car had an extended wheelbase of +12". Can anyone confirm that the wheelbase would then be around 87"?
Any other information as to the period colors of these four cars would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Dan

Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA