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Have any questions about Aussies, or dogs in general? Feel free to ask them... I will answer them to the best of my ability. (I am under 2 yrs old but am incredibly knowledgeable for my age.)

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Re: how much to feed

Hi Mike! The reason you have gotten many different answers is because metabolism varies from dog to dog, so people feed us different amounts depending on how much we need. It also depends on how active Pepper is and how many treats she is given throughout the day. Try starting out with 2 cups, and adjust the amont of food after a couple of weeks if you need to. Being overweight is just as unhealthy for a dog as it is for humans.

Enjoy your new pupper. Don't forget that we Aussies LOVE and need exercise!


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Replying to:

i recently got a miniture aussie (purebred & spayed form an aussie rescue) she is a great dog ... 1.5 years old .. about 31 pounds....

my question... i have had vastly different suggestions about how much to feed her

ranging from 1 -2.5 cups of food a day we use Pedigree small crunchy bites could you give an idea... as to what woudl be right

any guidence would be helpful....thanks
