NZ Coastal Shipping

Golden Bay Cement
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IMO 7720257

Bulk cement carrier

GRT: 3,175
Dwt: 4,493
Length overall: 97.9m
Beam: 16.6m
Built 1979 completed October
Builders: Robb Caledon Shipbuilders, Dundee
Speed: 14 knots

Thanks to Miramar Ship Index for details

Originally distributed cement from the Works at Tarakohe in Golden Bay to Wellington, New Plymouth, Picton, Wanganui and Raglan.
When that plant closed down, she moved north distributing from the Works at Portland (near Whangarei) to Auckland, Tauranga, Napier and Gisborne.
She is still currently in service, although at 34 years of age her time must be coming soon.

Re: GOLDEN BAY (1979)

Golden Bay was withdrawn from service early in May 2017. Sold and re-registered in Belize with no change of name, she sailed from Marsden Point on 4 July 2017 for Papeete (bunkers 12 July) then onward to Panama.

Arrived at the Pacific anchorage of the Panama Canal on 2 August and transitted the Canal overnight of 10/11 August. She then proceeded to Cartagena arriving 15 August and spent the next month anchored there. On 13 September she sailed back to the Atlantic anchorage of the Panama Canal and remained there apart from brief forays into Cristobal (anchor only) presumably for supplies and maybe crew changes.
She left the Atlantic anchorage on the 21 November and after a two day stay at anchor in Cristobal harbour, she sailed on 23 November 2017 for Ceuta, Spain. The voyage continued thus:
Rio Haina anchorage 1342 27 Nov 27 1535
Ceuta anchorage 2015 11 Dec 12 1530
Ceuta 1532 12 Dec 12 2009
Tuzla anchorage 1240 19 Dec 19 1350
Tuzla 1351 19 Dec

After leaving Tuzla (Turkey) on 2 January 2018 for Durres (Albania), she is in regular service from that port to various Mediterranean ports.