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regards from Peru

Hello my H_brothers.

Long time uh?

i was a young ensign and lieutenant in my peruvian air force when i was flying with you, having the best times of my life in virtual simulation.

Well, now i am a fat bold Colonel hehe, after flying some thousands of real hours in Antonov32 and C27J Spartan, but still flying in virtual simulators, specially FSX Steam Edition and now the MSFS2020 (the heaven for me).

My baby now is 19 years old, and he is studying for being a civil pilot (he wants to fly airliners).

hope you are ok and recevie a big HOLA AMIGOS


(Cesar "Baltazar" Huanqui, Colonel Peruvian Air Force)

Re: regards from Peru


Great to hear from you! Congratulations on your rank of Colonel. Well done, Sir! And you must be very pleased with your Son starting to fly. Best wishes for him.

I am practicing MS2020, but having a hard time making the switch from FSX. Perhaps we can get together sometime for a MS2020 flight.
