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Ban the Jan

I say ban the Jans. Jantra for the pointless dribble she posts. Jantwat for the borderline offensiveness. And every other Jant-xxx variation!

Re: Ban the Jan

I say ban the Jans. Jantra for the pointless dribble she posts. Jantwat for the borderline offensiveness. And every other Jant-xxx variation!

I suppose free speech is not allowed in your world.

Re: Ban the Jan

I say ban the Jans. Jantra for the pointless dribble she posts. Jantwat for the borderline offensiveness. And every other Jant-xxx variation!

oh go on - Jan is really quite cute!

Re: Ban the Jan

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a computer was stirring, not even a mouse;
The tablets were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Jantra soon would be there;
The readers were nestled all snug in their beds;
While visions of Cardiff danced in their heads;
And Jantwat in his glory, and I in my malice,
Had just racked our brains for a rebuff not nice,
When out on the marina there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the monitor I flew like a ghost,
Logged on the computer and brought up the post.
When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
More pointless rubbish just ripe for a sneer,
With nothing to say or worthy to note,
I knew in a moment Jantra had wrote,
And heard Jantwat exclaim, as he typed out of spite—
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good fight!”

Re: Ban the Jan

That's very good.

Re: Ban the Jan

She can be rude, blunt even, but to ban somebody for there Rudeness or Bluntness is a bit spoil sport like?.....i quite enjoy reading somebodies rudecomments of an evening....i always remember posting a comment about an article and she said 'A link would be nice'....not a thank you, or a good on you? Cheeky cow!

Re: Ban the Jan

Christopher Littley
She can be rude, blunt even, but to ban somebody for there Rudeness or Bluntness is a bit spoil sport like?.....i quite enjoy reading somebodies rudecomments of an evening....i always remember posting a comment about an article and she said 'A link would be nice'....not a thank you, or a good on you? Cheeky cow!


Re: Ban the Jan

Christopher Littley
She can be rude, blunt even, but to ban somebody for there Rudeness or Bluntness is a bit spoil sport like?.....i quite enjoy reading somebodies rudecomments of an evening....i always remember posting a comment about an article and she said 'A link would be nice'....not a thank you, or a good on you? Cheeky cow!


My thoughts exactly. Isn't Jantra a man?

Re: Ban the Jan

Christopher Littley
She can be rude, blunt even, but to ban somebody for there Rudeness or Bluntness is a bit spoil sport like?.....i quite enjoy reading somebodies rudecomments of an evening....i always remember posting a comment about an article and she said 'A link would be nice'....not a thank you, or a good on you? Cheeky cow!


My thoughts exactly. Isn't Jantra a man?

Yes, definitely a bloke.

Re: Ban the Jan

only a girl or a gay man can be as bitchy as 'she'.....i did alwayts take her as she yes....

Re: Ban the Jan

Christopher Littley
only a girl or a gay man can be as bitchy as 'she'.....i did alwayts take her as she yes....
