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Re: Ah the good old days - when everything was in black and white except Cardiff City who were in Bl
There had been a lot of old photos on Wales online recently over the quiet Easter period. I thought this was worth sharing as it builds upon the cinema shots above:
Re: Ah the good old days - when everything was in black and white except Cardiff City who were in Bl
A map from a Baedeker guide but that famous German efficiency failed them with the New Theatre, it is the wrong side of the Feeder. Nice map all the same.
I will try to remember to scan a few of the pictures I have.
In the city only one bit of canal infrastructure remains, I believe, a underpass near to Cardiff Castle that allows pedestrians to go under North Road by the old Bank of Wales/WDA offices is part of the canal.
What a shocking loss the fire station in Westgate St was. Also a shame that the similar style building across the road (where the ramp up to the Milstad is now) had to go. I'm sure it was this building that housed the DHSS and not Jacksons as the Echo states.
On a side note the building of the Milstad had quite a profound effect on the architecture around that area. As well as the building mentioned above the Empire Pool and the TA building were also demolished. Both were striking buildings and good examples of their kind. Also I would imagine that the former national stadium - if it had survived - would now be feted as one of the best British examples of brutalism. Despite the masses of concrete it had a certain grace.
Re: Ah the good old days - when everything was in black and white except Cardiff City who were in Bl
Agree about both buildings in Westgate St .
The Milstad was a spectacular own goal as it entirely buggered up Westgate Street , one of the few streets in Cardiff which had a real urban feel of some quality. The area round the stadium is an absolute disgrace, and it's depressing that it just seems to be accepted , presumably because it's round a rugby stadium. Would everyone be so relaxed about the brutal squalor of the area if Milstad was , say, a concrete factory or a Tory HQ?
Not sure I agree about the Empire Pool..... it was Nuremburg not brutalist , and a decidedly bargain- basement example at that.
Re: Ah the good old days - when everything was in black and white except Cardiff City who were in Bl
Sorry...misread your post.
Not sure about the old stadium though, as it happens...look at the bits left; they don't exactly lift the spirits... or interest one too much . I don't think it can really be described as brutalist...it was just a stadium made out of concrete, which is rather different.
Re: Ah the good old days - when everything was in black and white except Cardiff City who were in Bl
Also a shame that the similar style building across the road (where the ramp up to the Milstad is now) had to go. I'm sure it was this building that housed the DHSS and not Jacksons as the Echo states.
You're right about the DHSS but in the days when students could sign on for benefits in college vacations they used to use Jackson's Hall as well.