it's about Cardiff..
Sport, Entertainment, Transportation, Business,
Development Projects, Leisure, Eating, Drinking,
Nightlife, Shopping, Train Spotting! etc.. then we want it here!
I like the photos - keep them coming. Does anyone know what the red lights are on the English side of the channel? Noticed them the other evening and don't remember seeing them before. Must be something on the Weston seafront.
I think it may be the Grand Pier. They're advertising an "end of the pier Santa's Grotto" - it's probably that.
They're also staging the "Miss British Empire Grand Final". Now I know Weston is bit behind the times but that is ridiculous! My money is on Miss Southern Rhodesia.
Sorry I asked. You people need a life and this forum needs a moderator.
The finest women in the British empire are to be found in that metropolis known worldwide as the "Slough of the North".
I speak of course of the fine Mancunian fillies.
Sturdy of thigh, thick of ankle and broad and long of chin these nymphs bred the famous Mancunian stock. Men like Bernard Manning, Mark E Smith and Paul Scholes owe their looks to the beauties of places like Eccles, Harpurhey and Gorton.
They certainly leave the coarse women of Wales in the shade. I will be attending the competition on Weston pier, setting off at low tide in my sloop, "Maggie Minx". The contender from Manchester, a sylph by the name of Charmaine-Bedelia Wigglesworth-Clotworthy will receive my ardent support.
As to the suggestion that this forum needs moderating, you Sir/Madam Abacus are a feckin killjoy.
Maybe you're right, but I like to think that decency and politeness always wins in the end! Internet forums are always going to attract the rude, comfortable and safe in front of their keyboards. Moderating things makes me the enemy, not my style. All things considered compared to many forums even un policed this one doesn't do to bad. However it does attract it's fair share of unnecessary vitriol which is a shame, and it probably stops longtime lurkers from getting involved still in the same way as I think of the Cardiff skyline.. onwards and upwards!! and please don't be put off posting. The amount of info shared with like minded Cardiff development fans makes it all worthwhile
nice one Cardiff - superb photos (as ever) many thanks for sharing! and as for the building and indeed the area, pardon the pun but.. looking up! I am under the impression that construction on the new rink starts in january. Even if we don't get all that is planned in the sports village, to see the back of that bl**** blue tent will be fantastic!
This is today's update. They have now put up the framework for walls and cladding on the higher section and have been filling most of the under-cladding. As far as I can see thaye have also been working on the internal partitions.
A lovely scene this morning. On the updating side not a lot to report other than they have just started putting on white cladding. I guess most action is inside.
A large piece of piling equipment was delivered today and the area is being prepared for the installation of a smaller crane so that work can commence on the remaining two blocks.
It's some time since I did an update but here's a new picture. The work is proceeding apace but most in the tower is internal. Parts for the lifts were delivered and remain wrapped up in plastic.
At the moment they are preparing the first floor for concreting the new block which you can see to the left. This appears to be for the car park. The cladding on the tower so far appears to be foam and no doubt there will be more durable material soon.
Your 'view' will soon be blocked off to the left of the tower as they have started construction of one of the last two Blocks. This will probably be the same height as the one you can currently see to the left of the tower
The front of the new block will possibly be in line with the windows in the brick wall of the last block. You can see the pillars already. So I will not see the Pier Head Building any more.
that doesn't look too bad at all (and a v good effort at photoshop). based on that image, what will the public realm be immediately in front? any ideas?
Nice to see them cleaning the existing development as well, was getting quite grubby. I imagine the area in front of it will be much like the block next to it with car parking underneath cordend off by a wall of some sorts. Great photoshop as well ;)
Since the second crane was erected, they have now boxed it in and appear to have spent the week erecting a metal structure directly next to the undercroft car park (I couldn't get a very good angle for this, but it is the furthest left area of the picture).
That 'metal structure' you refer to is to support beams,etc as the car park has to be 'joined' onto the two new Blocks. It is duplicated on the other side (out of view in your picture) to connect to the other Block. Concrete has already been laid on that structure. Once secure, the supporting metal supports they have erected will be removed.
This picture of the structure supporting the new floor of the new block illustrates Whatif's message. They will erect the same structure on top of the new floor and then pour the concrete on to that. Once the floor below is strong enough they will remove most of the temporary structure and add it to the next floor and so on until the basic construction is finished. In China they use bamboo!
I think it looks very nice. That part of town has the promise of being really quite interesting. Hopefully the construction of ISV will really take off and will give us 5 odd years of something to look at and debate.
What rhodri says. And to think that the ISVhas four other towers taller that prospect place planned. Cardiff having a second (or even third district) with towers will certainly say something about its confidence and belief
Anyone see this on Newsnight the other day? About a mass squat of an unfinished 45 floor tower block in Caracas? Maybe it's fear of stuff like this that made them want to finish Prospect Place! And makes me think of that steel work on James Street. Crazy to see the red brick work and DIY in among the framework. Perhaps we could do the same and start a competitor CWMForum HQ for the Capital Tower plans?!
What a load of rubbish!! The reason they restarted building it was so they could make money selling apartments! It would have been a cold place to squat anyway before the re-start - with no doors and windows!
What a load of rubbish!! The reason they restarted building it was so they could make money selling apartments! It would have been a cold place to squat anyway before the re-start - with no doors and windows!
Post something sensible....please!
Come on Chinaboy me's comments were surely tongue in cheek. We may sometimes think things are tough but a comparison with downtown caracas puts things into perspective! Very interesting film that - and yes plans are already underway for a cardiffwalesmap takeover of capital tower!! but ssshhh keep it under your hat